- 2017.03.30
これ、それ、あれ、どれ : this, that, that (over there), which one
これ、それ、あれ、どれ : this, that, that (over there), which one これ、それ、あれ and どれ are demonstrative pronouns. The Japanese equivalents to the English “this” “that” and “which one” are これ、それ、あれ and どれ. When referring to people, don’t use demonstrative pronouns. これ indicates a thing near the speaker. それ indicates a thing near the listener. あれ indicates a thing away from both. When referring to people, don’t use demonstrative pronouns. This That That Which one…? これ それ あれ どれ EX: これは えんぴつです。 This is a pencil. kore wa enpitsu desu それは ペンです。 That is a pen. sore wa pen desu あれは ざっしです。 That(over there) (là-bas) is a magazine. are wa zasshi desu Japanese lesson 1 with exercises in interactive PDF format is […]